
来源:成都家教老师 日期:2018/5/31
第四部分:书面表达 (共两节,满分50分)
71. I’m surprised to find that she _________________ to an engineer for ten years. (marry)
72. Our teacher told us that the Taj Mahal _________________ in the 17th century as a memorial to the love between a king and his wife. (build)
73. I wonder ___________________ to my birthday party this weekend. (come)
74. My brother practiced so hard __________________ the driving test at the first attempt. (pass)
75. __________________ to walk in the field on a sunny morning in the autumn! (fun)
76. The pretty girl _________________ on the stage now is one of my best friends. (play)
77. - This watermelon weighs about 25 kg. - You ________________! (joke)
   —这个西瓜有25公斤重。 —你一定在开玩笑吧!
78. Traveling in the seaside city, they ______________________. (find)
79. Your family have gone to Australia for holiday, __________________?
80. — Why are you standing in front of the mirror with your eyes closed?
   — Oh, I just want to see ____________________ when I’m asleep.  (like prep.)
   —你为什么闭着眼睛站在镜子前?    —我就想看看我睡着时看起来是什么样子。
姓名 年龄 城市 想对父母说……
胡慕清 16 成都 我需要放松,希望有时能看看电视,上上网。
刘怡婷 16 武汉 我需要朋友,希望能和朋友们一起说笑、玩闹。
沈颖 17 黄冈 我希望得到父母信任,希望他们能像朋友一样对待我。
注意:1.词数100 — 120;
71. has been married 76. (who / that is) playing the piano
72. was built 77. must be joking
73. if / whether Susan will come 78. find the beach very beautiful
74. that he passed 79. haven’t they
75. What fun it is 80. what I look / am like
One possible version:
    In China children are the centre of each family. All parents wish their children, especially senior high students, could go to top universities and have a bright future. So they always expect their children to make full use of their time to study. They don't allow them to watch TV, play the computer games or go out to play with their friends. Some students just complain that their parents are only concerned about their grades and not their other needs.
   In my opinion, our parents are responsible for us. Perhaps they are sometimes too strict with us, but what they are doing is out of nothing but love. The most important thing, I think, is that we should learn to communicate with them. Find the right time for a talk, telling them that you'll never let them down and will work harder to earn trust and respect from them.
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